The Port Charles Update is a General Hospital Podcast covering all the juicy GH storylines week to week. You can find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify Podcasts, most podcast platforms and YouTube.

On our most recent podcast episode titled Between Two Curtains we get into all things De’Lulu and Brook Lynn. I think most viewers have a hard time watching the way that Lulu is treating Brook Lynn. Our hearts broke along with Brook Lynn’s when she learned that she had a son. More than that, having to watch Lulu accuse Brook Lynn of knowing more than she did and adding salt to a very personal wound that Lulu has now decided she is a part of. In their scenes, you can see Lulu slowly switching gears from accuser to detective, putting the pieces together as she finally seemed to register that Brook Lynn knew nothing about the child she gave up, or why Martin would have that information.
Despite Carly’s warnings, Lulu does not grasp the scope of people that would be affected should Lulu spill the beans, including the boy who was given up for adoption. While all the clues were right there, De’Lulu failed to see that it was Lois and not Brook Lynn who sought out Martin. As the rest of us have already known, Lois knows more than she ever let on to Brook Lynn, and there is no telling the amount of damage that lie will do to their mother-daughter relationship. Although, Brook Lynn will not be the only one who will have words for Lois.
Inevitably chaos will ensue and we hope that Lulu will not be forgotten in all of this. During our podcast episode we talked about the characters we would like to respond to Lulu’s actions, but we forgot about one… and that would be Lois!!! Regardless of what Lulu has said, she did not confront Brook Lynn in honor of Dante, she has been looking to take down Brook Lynn since she woke up from her long nap. I don’t think things will unfold the way she thinks they will. Despite Carly’s pretty clear warnings, Lulu has plowed ahead. Carly not only reacted to the news Lulu shared with compassion for Brook Lynn, but also pointed out that sometimes the messenger takes the hit.
So far Lulu has rained her terror on Brook Lynn whenever she’s felt like it. When she is not using Brook Lynn as a human punching bag to deal with her frustrations about her own life, she’s accepting Tracy’s job offer as Brook Lynn’s assistant. Not only did she accept the job, she did it on the heels of her conversation with both Maxie and Brook Lynn who expressed how they felt about it. Unsurprisingly, Lulu was quick to dismiss their feelings, because her desire to find her daughter justifies doing whatever she likes without a thought to anyone else. Lois is protective of Brook Lynn, and so far Lois has not crossed paths with Lulu or been a part of the scenes regarding the Lulu and Brook Lynn drama.
Lois was the one who outed Nina to Sonny, it took some time, but when Lois and Nina finally had a confrontation, Lois made it worth our while. Lulu didn’t just stumble upon that information, she obtained that information illegally. At the end of the day, Lulu crossed the wrong woman, and I am not referring to Brook Lynn. Brook Lynn has been gracious despite how De’Lulu has been treating her, but she won’t have to worry about Lois showing her any grace. Lulu will not only have impacted Lois’ relationship with Brook Lynn and countless Quartermaine’s… but Sonny. Sonny is someone Lois has put above her friendship with Olivia and this secret coming out will hurt Lois more than it will hurt Brook Lynn. Lulu has made it clear that she will do anything for her daughter, it’s about time she meets another mother who is willing to do the same. Lulu believes that Brook Lynn has been coddled, once she goes head to head with Lois, she will soon see how much she herself has been coddled. Lulu can’t let go of Brook Lynn trying to seduce Dante back in the day, well Lois has not really let go of the fact that Carly paid Brook Lynn to do it, and I don’t think Lois has much patience for another Spencer messing with her daughter. Lulu has been so fixated on her pre-coma enemies, she clearly didn’t think about her future ones.

When I am not watching GH, posting about GH, or blogging about GH, I am often having fun creating and working on other projects. A recent project was creating a coloring book with my kids, including all the types of pictures they like to color. Together we created the Cutie Pie Coloring book, that isn't just a coloring book, but a world where you can create and name your characters to be added to our Cutie Pie Collection on instagram. Let’s be real, it’s a fun way to immortalise your child’s creation, making it easier when the images secretly make it off the fridge and into the recycling bin. You can check out the coloring book on Amazon USA or Canada and share it with anyone who loves to color and create. Visit our Cutie Pie Coloring Instagram page where you can submit your Cutie Pies and join our World’s Largest Cutie Pie Collection.
The Port Charles Update is a General Hospital Podcast covering all the juicy GH storylines week to week. You can find us on Apple Podcasts,Spotify Podcasts, most podcast platforms and YouTube.